It is quite remarkable that people who are not very clever tend to think more of their intellect, while individuals with greater acuity underrate themselves.

This phenomenon is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect and it's only too easy to observe it whenever you browse through Facebook and spot someone from your old school who is convinced that they have more knowledge on vaccinations than medical physicians.

Even though it is difficult to be sure of personal intellect, we have evolved to have the capability to gauge the intelligence of others.

The journal Intelligence's study implies that, for adaptive behavior, initial evaluations of personality and social features should be precise. Growing proof substantiates this idea to a certain degree for traits like extraversion, intelligence, conscientiousness, openness and even for characteristics like antigay bias, sexual orientation or political ideology.

Reddit user Gisgiii asked a question to the AskReddit subforum about what suggested someone was highly intelligent. Answers to this query demonstrated that persons of intellect are skilled communicators who prioritize accuracy over being right.

1.They garner knowledge from a variety of sources.

Drawing knowledge from several origins could be regarded as wise, but likely flexible, too. One almost cannot differentiate between wisdom and intelligence; the two seem to have a close-knit connection.

2.They are aware of and comprehend their audience well.

They can adjust their communication style to match the one they are speaking to, without being pompous. They observe how someone grasps a concept and explain it in terms accessible to them.

3.They cultivate an acute awareness for their work.

Certain physicians demonstrate a remarkable aptitude for detecting all the medical troubles of a patient with only minimal details. It was unmistakable that he was an extraordinary individual.


They have an insatiable curiosity, exploring every aspect of life. Intelligence requires extensive knowledge, and without curiosity, acquiring knowledge becomes impossible.

5.They dedicate time to pondering their queries before speaking up.

6. When they articulate a concept, they have a way of making you feel intelligent.

7.They have a knack for effortlessly simplifying complex concepts.

8.They recognise the limits of their expertise and have no qualms declaiming any further comments as mere assumptions.

9.They have the talent for posing thought-provoking questions.

10.They aren't feigning to have knowledge of all things.

11.They are willing to accept new information and consequently alter their point of view.

12.They have the ability to bend situations to their will, utilizing knowledge from one sphere to create something appropriate for the context.

13.They possess open-mindedness.

Their capacity to objectively consider an idea that contradicts their perspective, even without necessarily accepting it, is noteworthy.

14.Analogies are a form of code-switching, and those who employ them to illustrate ideas demonstrate they are both socially and intellectually savvy.

15.I believe that people of higher intelligence are more open to calmly discussing their differences, as opposed to just arguing. Rather than just trying to put out a judgmental opinion, they ask questions about the other's viewpoint prior to delivering their own. On the contrary, those with lower intelligence would usually just resort to insults when encountered with a conflicting opinion.

16.Recognizing when they have been in the wrong and using it as a learning opportunity helps them further develop.

17.Humor is a quality that can be particularly impressive. To be able to come up with something funny in many ways and for many different groups is often a hallmark of intelligence.

18.Their learning journey is fueled by a love of knowledge, and they strive to gain something fresh, day to day. To top it off, they tend to invest more into listening than talking.