Earth is home to vast expanses of land ice, particularly in Antarctica and Greenland, covering over 6 million square miles combined. But what if all this ice were to melt? The consequences would be nothing short of disastrous, as depicted in a video by Business Insider Science.

European cities like Brussels and Venice would find themselves submerged, while Dakar, Accra, and Jeddah in Africa and the Middle East would cease to exist. Millions in Asia, including those in Mumbai, Beijing, and Tokyo, would face displacement and forced inland migration. South American cities like Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires would bid farewell, and in the U.S., places like Houston, San Francisco, New York City, and even the entire state of Florida would gradually vanish underwater.

These visuals are based on National Geographic's estimate that sea levels would rise by a staggering 216 feet if all land ice melted into the oceans. Business Insider provides a tool allowing individuals to assess how their communities might be impacted by rising seas.

The primary driver of this potential catastrophe is climate change. The continued burning of fossil fuels and carbon emissions into the atmosphere contribute to global warming, leading to the melting of ice. A study from researchers in the U.S., U.K., and Germany warned that if current practices persist, there is enough fossil fuel to entirely melt the Antarctic ice sheet.

Lead author Ricarda Winkelmann emphasizes the need to curb the use of coal, gas, and oil to prevent such a catastrophic transformation of the planet. While the depicted scenario is not an immediate threat, it underscores the long-lasting impact of current actions on Earth's future.

The silver lining lies in the fact that most coastlines remain intact. Taking immediate action to address climate change is crucial to preserving them. As world leaders increasingly recognize the urgency of the global climate crisis, individual efforts play a role in conveying the severity of the situation.