Healthy skin doesn't discriminate by age, with many various shades, textures and types. Even without the help of AI-assisted filters, there has long been a push for that "perfect" skin look.

Plenty of options are available to complete your skin care goals. Bakuchiol, sqaulane, niacinamide, ceramides, retinoids, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, collagen, ferulic acid are only some of them.What are these ingredients, and what do they do? Will they be suitable for my skin type? Do I actually require all of these? Is concentrating on looks healthy for my mental state?

This post Skin Care is for those of you who can relate.

Streamlining the process of skin care for all.Recent research concluded that over 65 percent of individuals had no clue what they should be searching for in skin care products or what the components were supposed to do. If you're in the same situation, you're not alone.

Despite the massive growth of the skin care market in the last few years, numerous people feel ignored by the industry. According to a survey done by LeCerre Skincare, 63% of 2,000 Women of Color questioned said they feel disregarded by the skin care industry and that there are not enough efficient products for them.

A survey revealed that a majority (58%) of respondents are keen to learn more about skin care products and treatments specifically tailored for Black consumers, signifying the importance of diverse representation of information and product offerings.

Finding professionals who are knowledgeable about your skin concerns may be difficult. The majority of dermatologists are primarily located in heavily populated urban areas, leaving many without access to expert treatment.

Additionally, the abundance of digital technologies such as filters and face-transforming applications has taken the idea of what “ideal skin” is to an unprecedented level. A 2021 survey conducted for Dove's Self Esteem Project revealed that 80% of women had utilized an app to modify their look by the time they were 13 years old.

A huge amount of women have expressed disappointment about not being able to appear as perfect as their photos online. A plethora of products, a lack of representation in the industry, and insufficient knowledge of what products can and cannot do have combined to create a perfect storm.

Understanding and appreciating the skin. Healthy skin is not restricted to a certain age or color and can have a variety of features such as enlarged pores, wrinkles, and blemishes. This is different from what digital filters and commercials may lead us to believe. We cannot alter the industry, however, we can hopefully modify your outlook.