Miley Cyrus recently went to TikTok to recall her polemic 2009 Teen Choice Awards performance of "Party in the U.S.A." In the video, Cyrus sets the record straight about the performance, which sparked headlines at the time due to her supposedly dancing on a stripper pole.

In the TikTok video, recorded as part of her "Used to Be Young" series, Cyrus explains that she had cut the song for the Teen Choice Awards performance and that her mom thought it would be cool if she performed in a trailer park set, as it represented their upbringing. Cyrus clarifies that the pole she held on to during the performance was not a stripper pole, but rather a stability pole.

"It wasn't a stripper pole! It was actually just for stability," Cyrus insists."I had a shoe on with an elevated heel. Fellas, what did you expect of me?"


Used To Be Young (Series) - PART 21

Used To Be Young - Miley Cyrus

Cyrus still harbors satisfaction in the performance even a decade and a half later.She admits that her pitch may have been a little off and that the hat she was wearing needed to go, but overall, she believes the performance was amazing.

This TikTok video is part of a set in which Cyrus gives a retrospective about her career and advertises her new single, "Used to Be Young." In a prior video, she spoke about her energetic youth and additionally uncovered that it was her sister, Noah Cyrus, who activated the camera to take her contentious Vanity Fair nude cover shot.

Cyrus's reflection on her 2009 performance highlights the narrative that was created around her at the time. The media often portrayed her as a rebellious teenager, drawing comparisons to other controversial figures like Britney Spears. However, as she looks back on the performance, Cyrus's perspective sheds light on the misconceptions and judgments that were placed on her.

Cyrus's openness and honesty about her past can be seen as part of her journey to self-discovery and reclaiming her narrative. By addressing the controversies and sharing her side of the story, she is taking ownership of her past and showing growth as an artist and a person.

Overall, Cyrus's TikTok reflection on her 2009 Teen Choice Awards performance reminds us of the power of perspective and the danger of jumping to conclusions based on appearances. It serves as a reminder that external judgments are often surface-level and that there is always more to a story than meets the eye.