Knowing you need quality sleep and actually obtaining it are two different matters. Making a few minor adjustments can help you develop a healthy sleeping pattern. Bedtime and waking times should be kept regular. Also, create an environment conducive for sleeping by taking some time to relax prior to bed and providing yourself ample time to sleep.

1 Create a bedroom ambiance suitable for a good night's sleep. Muffle external noise with earplugs or a white noise appliance. Utilize blackout shades, curtains or an eye mask to limit the amount of light. Keep the room cool, between 60 and 75°F, and well ventilated. Additionally, make sure your bed is fitted with a comfortable mattress and pillows.

2 To maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle, start your day by allowing natural light to enter and take a break from the office to bask in the sun at some point during the day.

3 To assist in the transition from being awake to drifting off to sleep, try spending an hour or so prior to bedtime doing something to relax. Have a bath (the body temperature changes aid in sleepiness), read a book, watch a bit of television, or practice relaxation exercises. Attempt to steer clear of stressful or energizing tasks - such as work or discussing emotional matters. Physical and mental stress can cause the body to produce cortisol, a hormone that is associated with alertness.

4 For those who struggle with sleep, napping during the afternoon may be the cause. It's better to take a short nap before 5 p.m. if you must do so. Otherwise, don't nap at all.

5 Do Not Consume Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine, and Other Compounds that Inhibit Sleep.People who drink coffee understand it is a stimulant that can keep them awake. Thus, it is wise to avoid caffeine (found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, and some pain relievers) four to six hours before bedtime. Similarly, those who smoke should not partake in tobacco products near bedtime. Furthermore, alcohol, while it may make one drowsy, disturbs quality sleep.