A one-year-long investigation, yet to be released in a peer-reviewed journal, followed a group of adults, observing their sleep health, weight loss program adherence, and physical activity.

The study subjects were either overweight or obese, yet all were healthy enough to make dietary alterations and become more active. Initial findings showed that people who got healthy sleep were more likely to participate in group weight loss activities, reach their calorie goals, and spend time doing moderate-vigorous exercise.

The connection was not strong enough to reach the level of statistical significance, however experts state this doesn't make the outcomes inconsequential. This type of study is very useful for giving ideas and indicates a link between good sleep health and following dietary and exercise habits. Even without a large research, it is possible to advise patients about sleep hygiene habits based on the knowledge about physiology and psychology.

It is worth noting, however, that the study was relatively small, with a sample size of 125 and a largely homogenous group of 91% female and 81% white participants. This lack of diversity is a notable limitation; however, the findings of the study are still intriguing, and many features of sleep physiology can be applied to adults in general.

An individual's self-mastery and ability to manage their impulses are a factor as well. It stands to reason that those with the strength of will to get enough sleep can also be the ones to stick to their weight loss plan. This sets up a virtuous cycle, wherein discipline helps sleep and, then, sleep can bolster discipline (and weight loss).

This research strengthens the existing connections between sufficient sleep and its many advantages from a psychological standpoint.

In terms of behavioral psychology, lifestyle modifications are generally cumulative, thus having a sound sleep routine with a set bedtime and wake-up time can foster the integration of additional healthy behaviors.

Research has shown that inadequate rest can bring about a variety of adverse impacts, including on heart health, immune function, emotional state, focus and vigor. Not having enough sleep can bring about lethargy and a shift in mood, which could hamper your enthusiasm to work out.

Our bodies are able to perform better when our sleep is healthy, from hormonal and mental health to weight loss. It also helps us to fall asleep easier, wake up more alert, and stay on regular meal and activity times, which can help our bodies stay in sync with the day's schedule.