We often spend time looking at things closely, specifically our screens. It's the primary thing we observe in the morning, the last thing we view before going to bed, and the thing we take a look at most in the intervening period. A study conducted by Vision Direct says the average American will spend 44 years gawking at a screen. Yes - four entire decades.

It is no shock that vision has declined dramatically. Doctors have identified myopia, or shortsightedness, as a widespread condition. Additionally, we suffer from more headaches and migraines, have difficulty sleeping, and tend to feel fatigued.

Fortunately, there are solutions we can take advantage of to help, regardless if we have perfect vision or if we are already frequently squinting.

Andrew Huberman, a Neuroscientist, is well-known for his podcast "Huberman Lab," and he has studied the brain and other topics, such as vision. Be Inspired released a video of him where he talks about two easy exercises that can drastically improve eyesight. He also provides insight into science-backed hacks to achieve health, wellness, and fitness.


Huberman recommends taking a break from the computer screen and going to a window to view the outside. Open the window if possible, as this will help filter out the blue light and sunlight during the day. Even better, go to the balcony, let the eyes relax, and observe the horizon. This will provide relief from strain and exhaustion.

According to Huberman, it is recommended to take a break to rest the eyes, face and jaw every 30 minutes of intense work, at least once every 90 minutes.


Stimulate your eyes by honing in on motion. Smooth pursuit is an inherent ability that we have to pursue moving objects. You can strengthen your vision by utilizing this procedure. Huberman recommends spending a few minutes each day or every three days tracking a ball. He also suggests going outside to witness objects in motion, such as birds in flight and dropping leaves. Huberman is a firm believer in the value of spending time outdoors.

In conclusion, eyes, like our arms, need to be both worked and rested. Unfortunately, our electronic devices cannot give us this nourishment, yet our outdoor environment can.