A lady in Adelaide, Australia has been accused of trying to ram her significant other with a car 'caused by his eating of one of her chips.

Harrison insisted to police that her meeting with partner Matthew Finn was not planned; the Adelaide Advertiser reported that her foot had inadvertently moved from the brake pedal to the accelerator on her way to a station in North Adelaide, Australia.

Matthew alleges it was intentional and attributes it to a dish of chips.

When Harrison had been relishing a chicken and chips takeaway, Matthew assumed she had left a couple of fries in the packet and took a chip, which resulted in a fierce disagreement.

Matthew had already exited his car in Adelaide's Melbourne Street when he noticed Charlotte driving her Subaru directly towards him. He quickly jumped out of the way and the car crashed into a Toyota Yaris.

Charlotte adamantly proclaimed to the authorities that she had not planned to hurt Matthew.Matthew appeared in court in support of Harrison yesterday afternoon, yet he exited early. The magistrate demanded a home detention report and Harrison will stay in custody until then. They will revisit court on Friday to discover if her bail appeal was successful.