Unity declared that John Riccitiello's tenure as president, CEO, chairman and board member would be ending forthwith, bidding him farewell.

Unity attested that Riccitiello will carry on in offering direction to the game engine maker to secure a transition without incident. He proclaimed in a statement:

I have been honored to lead Unity for almost ten years, and during this time I have had the pleasure of working with our employees, customers, developers, and partners, who were all paramount to the success of the Company.

On the twelfth of September, an influx of disapproval came Unity's way as the corporation announced their plan for the Runtime Fee; an agreement which would require developers to pay a sum when their game, that exceeded a predetermined revenue and install mark, was downloaded. Reactions were instantaneous as developers and the gaming collective resisted. In some cases, talk of removing their games from the platform was brought up due to the new fee.

Unity made attempts to elucidate the policy the subsequent day, avowing that only a small fraction of its customers would be troubled by the alteration, yet it did not do much to assuage discontent users.

Ultimately, on Sept. 22, Unity retracted parts of their policy, easing the tension. Nonetheless, several developers stated that the company had already lost faith among the community with their introductory announcement.

During Riccitiello's time at Unity, there have been some disputable moments, including him apologising to creators for labelling those who do not back microtransactions as the "greatest blooming idiots."