Throughout the years, carbohydrates have been given a negative reputation. They are oftentimes correlated with being overweight, having type 2 diabetes, and a plethora of other health problems.

It's a fact that processed foods with a lot of sugar and grains don't have many vitamins and minerals, yet many nutrient-rich and fiber-filled foods can be very good for you. Although some people may benefit from a low carb diet, there is no need to stay away from high carb foods entirely.

1 Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a legume. 100 grams of cooked chickpeas feature 27.4 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of fiber, and a great source of plant-based protein. These legumes may be beneficial for heart and digestive health, and some research has even suggested they may be a protector from certain cancers. Aside from the vitamins and minerals including iron, phosphorus, and B vitamins, chickpeas are a nutritious option.

2 Bananas, a frequently eaten fruit, have the potential to benefit heart health due to their abundance of potassium, which can help mitigate blood pressure. A 136-gram large banana contains roughly 31 grams of carbs, either starches or sugars. Unripe green bananas contain more starch, which is transformed into natural sugars as the ripening process occurs and they turn yellow in color.

3 Quinoa is an extremely beneficial seed as it contains up to 70% carbs. Furthermore, it has no gluten, which makes it an attractive option for those on a gluten-free diet. Its nutritional value makes it a great addition to any diet, as it may help regulate blood sugar levels and maintain heart health. Moreover, the high protein and fiber content of quinoa may be useful for weight management, as these nutrients keep you feeling fuller for longer.

4 Sweet potatoes are a tasty and nutritious tuber or root vegetable that are filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These include vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium, making it a great addition to any meal. The antioxidants found in sweet potatoes are effective in neutralizing free radicals to protect against chronic diseases.

5 Buckwheat is seen as a pseudocereal and has nothing to do with wheat, as it does not contain gluten. Raw buckwheat has 75 grams of carbohydrates, while a 100-gram serving of cooked groats contains 19.9 grams. Not only is buckwheat high in protein and fiber, but it also holds a higher amount of minerals and antioxidants than many other grains. Research done on humans and animals has also pointed to its potential to be beneficial for heart health and blood sugar control.

6 Blueberries are generally credited as a superfood due to its numerous antioxidants, with around 14.5 grams of carbs for every 100 grams and mostly water. Not only do they include minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, but may also block the harm of free radicals. Additionally, studies have suggested that ingesting blueberries could potentially enhance memory in elderly people.

7 Oranges contain mostly water and a substantial amount of carbohydrates in each 100-gram serving. Furthermore, they are full of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and some B vitamins. Citric acid, numerous strong plant compounds, and antioxidants are also in oranges. Eating them could benefit heart health, obstruct the development of kidney stones, and assist with the uptake of iron from other foods, reducing the danger of iron deficiency anemia.

8 Kidney beans are a powerhouse of nutrients, containing protein, vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds. Additionally, they hold a good amount of anthocyanins and isoflavones which are antioxidants. Their health benefits are unparalleled, including better blood sugar control and a reduced risk of colon cancer.